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Leave the credits intact or you'll be dead meat. i know it's supposed to be: it's never too late to apologize, so don't try to be a smarty-ass by correcting me.

Nabeelah is the name.
Eightteen is the age.
Ngee Ann Poly, Sch of HSN

Blogskins.com Account

Sunday, April 17, 2011

well well well, been so long since i last updated.
PRCP is over, and i've passed.
and yes, i have graduated from nursing.
it seems like i just stepped into NP nursing yest and it has alr been 3 years
time really flies. and yes, i'm gonna be a staff nurse in abt another 3 weeks' time.
i have gotten the license, and seriously it is making me rethink again
i dunno if i have chosen the right career path.
i am still trying to find out what the hell i want to do with my life.
i know i wanted to be a nurse, but now i seriously dunno.
i guess i am in the denial stage.
maybe i will just work for a year, see whether it suits me or hell it doesnt.

i miss going to sch, 
going for lectures, and especially practical lessons.
i miss my year 3 the most, even though it was very stressful
i had the most lovable classmates, and the best practical teacher. 
i wish i could back those times. 
memories, i hope they never fade.
12:13 PM
Sunday, July 25, 2010

i so love parames face here :))

the cake mins baked.

17072010 was P24's BBQ at Pasir Ris Park.
to say the truth, i really really enjoyed myself.
wish there are more outings like this to come,
though we're gonna separate. i just hope we will still be friends :)
thats all i want.
2:56 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2010

so finally, am done with FYP.

practical also done.

got CVP. got the easier one still can cock up.

so am left with WPD and Immun&Onco presentation
8:20 PM
Thursday, July 1, 2010

i seriously do not know why i feel as though my life is a total mess. I lost my mum when i was just 14. I have seen my relatives passing away but it didnt hit me that hard compared to my mum's. I literally felt as though my life has just been taken away from me. i guess it's all just too late when you realize ur mistakes,
when you realize that you have taken her for granted,
when you realize that when you ask for forgiveness, you do not know if she forgave you,
when you realize that she's no longer there to care for you, to love you,
when you realize that she's not there to scold or nag at you,
when you realize that He has taken her away to a far far place,
where you can no longer see her, talk to her, to know if she forgave you, to tell her i'm sorry, i love you. IT IS JUST TOO LATE.

I am seriously numb with pain. I used to cut my wrists just to feel the pain.
it gave more pain to my loved ones than to me, i stopped.
I have cried till there's no more tears, also no help.
the feeling is just there.
and it hurts me even more when i came to know that my sisters were scared that i would join bad company after my mum's death.
they constantly encouraged me to participate in activities, always make sure i am around with who. i know it is concern, but dont you think it will hurt the toher party thinking you have no trust in her?
well, that happened to me. i felt as though they didnt trust me, they always have this feeling that i will become bad. but i guess i have proved them otherwise.
but i dunno if the thought still lingers in their mind. and i guess i dont wish to know either.

I really really feel tired. trying to please everyone even though it totally irks me, doing something that i dont like. im gonna be 19, for god damn sake, treat me like an adult, people.
dont make decisions for me. it's my life, i am the one living it. not you, get it.
11:07 PM
Saturday, June 19, 2010

before the week of common test, went for kite flying with class.
was fun.
must have more of this

well well well
common tests are over.
one week of hols has gone past, just like that
one more week to go
lots of movies in mind to watch
if only i had a money tree...

and well, i hope when sch re-opens,
i will enjoy those last remaining months studying.
cause im gonna work soon, earn my OWN money
most importantly, i guess will be friends
all of us going separate ways, not kowing whether will we keep in touch
meet up regularly.
people always used to say enjoy ur sec sch life, but i think they shld change it to poly.
man, all those laughter, giggling, gossiping abt one another, insulting each other.
i wish it would never stop..
11:07 AM
Monday, May 31, 2010

i saw you after so long,
and my heart just skipped a beat.
3:36 PM
Monday, May 24, 2010

my tears cant stop flowing.
9:24 PM